Welcome to this first email update for APRC 2017.
There are lots of things to cover here. So let me know if any problems accessing the information, or if you want copies of files sent to you.
2017 APRC Calendar
The 2017 calendar has been approved as below.
- New Zealand 28-30 April
- Australia 26-28 May
- China 7-9 July
- Malaysia 11-13 August
- Japan 15-17 September
- India 24-26 November
2017 FIA RRSR and APRC regulations
- The FIA Regional Rally Sporting regulations are available online at
http://www.fia.com/file/52621/download/9300?token=klCU1M7U - There are several changes to the main body of the regulations, as well as some minor changes to the APRC regulations. If you would like a copy of the new regulations with all the changes highlighted, I can send a copy on request.
FT3 fuel tanks for Group A & N cars
- Those of you running Group N or A cars will be aware of the change in App J Art 253 that requires all Group N and A cars to be fitted with FT3, FT3.5 or FT5 bag tanks.
- An application has been made to the FIA to allow an exemption for cars running in APRC.
- There is an alternative option to have such cars be approved (with standard fuel tanks) under the National Car Approval process. Please let me know if you are planning to make application.
2017 APRC promotional brochure
- The 2017 APRC brochure has been completed by Brian Young and is now available online.
- A high resolution print capable copy is available at https://aprctv.brickftp.com/f/7ee11794a
- For further information please contact Brian Young – aprctv@gmail.com
APRC Website
The APRC website www.fiaaprc.com has recently been updated. All information you require should be available online. This includes regulations, registration forms, national car approval forms, brochure etc.
If there is other information you are looking for, please send an email and I will try and assist. A guide to the closing dates for registrations for the various championships is also included.
International Rally of Whangarei
- Rally Guide 1 is available online at
http://www.rallywhangarei.co.nz/event/international-rally-of-whangarei/ - Supplementary Regulations are due to be available 24 February
- In advance planning for logistics for this rally, I am advising teams to have their containers arriving in Auckland port, no later than Monday 17 April
- MPI quarantine inspections will be held on Thursday 20 or Friday 21 April in Auckland. Once completed containers will then be moved to Northtec, Whangarei
- Final details will be advised closer to time
If you have any questions at all on any of the above, or any other aspect of APRC 2017, please feel free to contact me directly. Be safe out there, and happy rallying.
Murray Brown
APRC Coordinator
+63 908 310 5888