International Rally of Queensland
- Rally Guide 2 is now available online
- Close of entries for International Rally of Queensland is Wednesday 3 June – this week.
- For teams involved in AQIS inspections in Brisbane, unless planned otherwise, this will take place on Friday 12 June. The location for this will be same as in previous years, Russells Transport, 118 Freight St, Lytton 4178, Brisbane.
- Team containers going to the pre-rally SP at Oaks Oasis Resort, Caloundra will be transported on Saturday 13 June. Containers expected to be grounded at Oaks Oasis by approx midday.
Malaysian Rally
- Rally Guide 1 is available on the rally website
- The rally will be located in the southern state of Johor Bahru as in recent years, with the Grand Paragon Hotel again being the Rally HQ base and the preferred accommodation venue.
- Entries for Malaysian Rally – and ASIA CUP (if Malaysian Rally is your first Asia Cup nominated rally) open on Monday 15 June and close on Monday 13 July.
- Supplementary Regulations are due to be published on Monday 15 June.
FIA APRC Asia Cup registrations and Forms
- A reminder that registrations for FIA APRC Asia Cup 2015 close at the close of entries for Malaysian Rally (if you wish to nominate Malaysian Rally for Asia Cup), ie Monday 13 July
- A plea to ALL competitors and team managers. Can you please ensure that when you are completing your registration and entry forms, that the information and details you are providing is in the correct boxes. Also, please be careful when nominating your rallies for Asia Cup.
- Points can only be scored at nominated rallies. Any rallies that are nominated at the time of registration and not contested, you are still liable for the entry fees.
Fuel Orders
- For competitors who are wanting an FIA compliant fuel supplied at upcoming events (in particular Malaysia and Japan), you will need to place orders with me very soon. Details of the fuel and final dates for confirmed orders are available on request.
- If you have any questions on any of the above, or if you have trouble accessing and downloading any of the above files, please contact me and I can email a copy to you.
Murray Brown
APRC Coordinator
+63 908 310 5888