APRC Television’s distribution into the massive Chinese market has had a huge boost with four new on-demand website channels, plus a new TV platform MAX China and a further addition to Taiwan with ELTA TV.
Sina, Youku and PPTV are some of the biggest on-line news channels in China with a wide range of sports coverage.
APRC TV news coverage is part of an on-demand half-hour programme called ‘Robin’s Car Talk’ produced and hosted by motorsport icon Robin Kung. As FOX Sport’s Formula-one commentator, Kung is well known through China and his on-line programmes have thousands of downloads.
‘We’ve worked with Robin Kung for several years now and in that time his company has expanded the distribution of their weekly motorsport. On-Line and on-demand means the programming is always available and with the shift to the internet for entertainment especially by the younger generation, its definitely the place to be.”
“The exposure generated is hugely important for APRC marketing partner Würth who all have major distribution channels in China. Then there’s the event organisers themselve,s that in most cases are working closely with local government tourism organisations to get international coverage’ said APRC TV director Brian Young.
In addition to the on-line distribution Fox Sports China and Guangdong (GD-TV) with continue to broadcast the APRC TV series that comprises half-hour feature coverage of each event, plus a season review and ‘behind the scenes’ episodes.
‘Robin’s Car Talk’ and APRC TV News coverage of Round 1, New Zealand is available at the following locations:
Sina Link: http://video.sina.com.cn/p/sports/f1/v/2015-05-08/203864924531.html
PPTV Link: http://v.pptv.com/show/WSicaWQ7rATiclUbogkA.html
Youku Link: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTUwODM4NDg4.html?from=y1.7-2