More Aussies Line Up For ’08

Mystery DriverThere’s set to be an influx of Aussies in the APRC this year. Hot on the heels of Dean Herridges entry into the series, another Australian looks set to join the APRC for the full series.

Although final details are yet to be ironed out, the driver, well-known to Australian rally fans, hopes to be able to make an announcement in the next two weeks. As soon as we’re able, we’ll reveal the who the driver is and the team he’ll be joining.

So keep an eye on APRC Live web site for that announcement.

Meanwhile Dean Herridge has been on the lookout for a new co-driver, his regular co-driver Bill Hayes having already signed to partner Rifat Sungkar in a Motor Image Subaru.

Dean HerridgeSpeaking to Dean on Thursday, he revealed he’s close to confirming a high-profile international co-driver. “I can’t say too much at the moment, but we hope to have things sorted out in the next couple of days”.

Check back in the next couple of days; my interview with Dean will appear as soon as the announcement has been made public.

And finally, Kevin Shaw, the Ulsterman who owns a successful Mitsubishi dealership in western Sydney, is also hoping to contest at least some of the APRC rounds this year.

Kevin missed the 2007 Australian series, instead contesting the Argentina and Ireland rounds of the PWRC. He’s yet to finalise his plans for ’08, but indicated he may compete in the New Zealand and Australian rounds of the APRC, depending on business commitments.

This article originally appeared on and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the FIA Asia Pacific Rally Championship or its partner organisations.

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