Initiated by last years APRC Champion and Japanese driver Katsu Taguchi the Japanese characters translates to ‘Keep Up” and “Thanks for your support”.
“We wanted to show everyone back home in Japan that we are thinking of them. I’m hoping that all my fellow competitors from all countries will show their support and thoughts for the victims of this huge tragedy by running the stickers” said Taguchi as he prepared for the the first event in Malaysia.
“The sticker will also convey a message of appreciation from all Japanese to the world as we have got so much support and messages from all over the globe and we would like to say a collective “thanks” for that support on behalf of all Japanese people”. The artwork and sticker was designed and printed by ‘Sticker-man’ Osamu Yoda.
Taguchi will be defending his APRC title driving an MRF sponsored Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 10.